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Kamala Harris ANCA

Kamala Harris faces Armenian lobby's demands - ANCA's blackmail strategy

BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 22. Kamala Harris only announced her presidential candidacy yesterday, and already today, ANCA, the largest Armenian lobbying organization in America, is pressuring her and the entire Democratic Party.

The organization issued something akin to an "ultimatum" to Harris, claiming she could secure the Democrats' strong support among Armenian Americans if she meets their "conditions". Unsurprisingly, the Armenians are singing the same old tune - demanding sanctions against Azerbaijan. Additionally, they now want to push for a certain UN mission to return Armenians to Karabakh under U.S. leadership. The purpose of such a mission seems unclear even to the Armenians themselves.

ANCA has repeatedly and openly stated that Armenian votes are nothing more than commodities at an auction. From the very beginning of the election campaign, the organization launched the so-called "swing state" project, which allowed Democrats and Republicans to identify states where they could secure Armenian support. It's now evident that the Democrats have won here - recall the recent "letter" published on behalf of Adam Schiff, the Armenians' best friend in the House of Representatives, and 47 other congressmen calling for increased support for Armenians who left Karabakh in 2023.

But with this blatant blackmail of Kamala Harris, Armenians in the US have lost the last remnants of their conscience. Vote blackmailing has become an established strategy of the Armenian lobby. Will it pay off this time? How will the Democrats react to such statements? Time will tell.

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