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Armenia Mevlut Cavushoglu Türkiye

Türkiye closes airspace with Armenia

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 3. Türkiye closed airspace with Armenia, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu told NTV channel, TurkicWorld reports.

"The installation of a monument dedicated to the so-called Operation Nemesis in Yerevan is unacceptable. They did this in order to elevate the terrorist groups that committed the murders of our diplomats, our Azerbaijani brothers in the 1920s. We can't accept it. Armenia's statements on this matter are not sincere and truthful. This indicates their unfriendly attitude," Cavusoglu said.

He also said that Türkiye has closed its airspace to Armenia and if it continues to behave like this, the country will take other measures.

"Only the president of the National Assembly of Armenia, as an exception, was allowed to come to the country to participate in the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Cooperation, as this is an international meeting," the minister added.

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