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Opening of Azerbaijani embassy in Albania – good manifestation of co-op between our countries – President Bajram Begaj

Opening of Azerbaijani embassy in Albania is a good manifestation of cooperation between our countries, President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj said, making press statements with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on November 15, Trend reports.

"I am deeply grateful to you for the dialogue between our countries. Mr. President, it is very good that you are visiting our country today. In fact, it opens up new areas of mutual interest. Regarding the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and Azerbaijan, we will enter a busy stage of our cooperation in 2023. We intend to organize the Azerbaijan Week here. In fact, this event is important for the cultural promotion of your country here as well. We are also grateful to the Azerbaijani side for expressing its interest in opening the embassy of your country here, and this step is a good manifestation of cooperation between our countries," the head of state said.