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Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

News about alleged intervention of Azerbaijan in Armenia's territory is nonsense - Ministry of Defense

The news spread in the Armenian media and social networks about the alleged intervention of Azerbaijan into the territory of Armenia is nothing but nonsense, reads a message from the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, Trend reports.

"The aggressor and occupier state in the region is the Republic of Armenia. The personnel and equipment of the Armenian armed forces are still located in the Karabakh economic zone of Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani army, in response to the provocation of Armenia, is taking local countermeasures and is neutralizing firing points. The ongoing policy of military adventurism and revanchism by Armenia, the intensive shelling of the positions of the Azerbaijani army in the Kalbajar, Lachin, Dashkasan and Gadabay directions over the past month and the large-scale provocations caused by it today are the main reasons for the escalation of the situation. Therefore, the responsibility lies with the military-political leadership of Armenia," the ministry said.

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