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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

Political dialogue between Azerbaijan and Italy is very active - President Ilham Aliyev

My visit to Italy started yesterday. I visit your country quite regularly. The last time I was here on the state visit in 2020, when we signed a strategic document on partnership between Italy and Azerbaijan. This visit was also very successful. I had very good meetings with Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister and we discussed broad range of issues of close strategic partnership cooperation between our countries, said Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, as he made a speech on “The role of Azerbaijan for Energy Security” at the 48th edition of the international Cernobbio Forum in Cernobbio, Italy.

“Also I would like to add that President Mattarella M paid an official visit to Azerbaijan four years ago. This shows that our political dialogue is very active. We add new very important items to bilateral agenda. One of them is education. So yesterday we talked not only about energy issues and economic development, but also about education,” President Ilham Aliyev noted.

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