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Azerbaijani-Russian ties thrive under historical, economic and political bonds - analyst

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 20. Azerbaijani-Russian relations are rooted in historical, economic, and politically significant ties, political analyst Azer Garayev told Trend, TurkicWorld reports.

According to the analyst, these relations, which hold strategic importance both regionally and internationally, are founded on the principles of independence, territorial integrity, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

Garayev highlighted that one of the key pillars of this relationship is the mutual visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan and President Ilham Aliyev’s support for regional peace and cooperation initiatives.

“While Vladimir Putin's leadership and Russian policies have elicited varied responses globally, it must be acknowledged that since Soviet leader Brezhnev, no other Russian leader has treated Azerbaijan as warmly as Putin. During Putin's presidency, Russian-Azerbaijani relations began to normalize swiftly, further advancing under President Ilham Aliyev's leadership. Thanks to President Aliyev's efforts, significant changes have occurred in Russia's policy toward Azerbaijan,” he stated.

The political analyst also emphasized the importance of economic and trade relations within this partnership.

“In 2023, trade turnover between the two countries exceeded $4.5 billion, marking 17 percent growth. This figure is expected to increase further in 2024. Key sectors include industry, agriculture, and tourism. Additionally, the North-South transport corridor is of strategic importance to both countries, fostering closer cooperation in this area.

Azerbaijan’s independent foreign policy, its balanced cooperation with both the West and Russia, reflect a wise approach aimed at protecting its interests on the global stage. Azerbaijan’s involvement in platforms like BRICS and SCO, along with its partnerships with the European Union and other Western institutions, underscores its multifaceted diplomacy. The country’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, grounded in international law, also contributes to its reputation as a global hub for peace and dialogue.

Thus, President Ilham Aliyev's adept diplomacy and the strategic relations cultivated with Russia under Putin's leadership exemplify Azerbaijan's commitment to regional and global peace and security. The independent policy pursued by Azerbaijan, in line with its national interests, has elevated it to the status of a globally respected state,” Garayev concluded.