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Mines in liberated villages of Azerbaijan's Gazakh district made in Armenia - assoc. chair

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 29. Mines found in liberated villages of Azerbaijan's Gazakh district were made in Armenia, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Campaign to Ban Landmines Public Association Hafiz Safikhanov told TurkicWorld.

Safikhanov pointed out that demining operations are being conducted in the liberated villages.

"Like our other territories, the four villages in the Gazakh district are contaminated with mines. A considerable number of anti-personnel mines have been spotted. These mines are of Armenian origin. The process is likely to be completed soon because the area is rather small. Starting next month, we'll be monitoring the liberated villages in Gazakh," the chair emphasized.

He mentioned that demining efforts are also progressing rapidly in other liberated areas.

"A few days ago, Azerbaijani-made demining machines were brought in to assist with the work. This will also help speed up the demining process.

Although there is assistance from international associations, the support is insufficient. To receive more support, we have been preparing reports for many years in accordance with their regulations. We believe that an international conference on the mine issue, which will be held in our country, will have a positive impact," he added.

To note, a 12.7-kilometer borderline was established between Azerbaijan and Armenia after border delimitation, ensuring the return of four villages - Baghanis Ayrim, Ashagi Askipara, Kheyrimli, and Gizilhajili (6.5 square kilometers) in the Gazakh district to Azerbaijan.

The territories of above villages were taken under the control of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan on May 24.