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Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

Azerbaijani Defense Ministry senior staff visit mobilization training camps

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 18. First Deputy Defense Minister - Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijani Army Colonel General Karim Valiyev, and Deputy Defense Minister - Commander of the Land Forces Lieutenant General Hikmat Mirzayev, have met with the servicemen liable for military service involved in mobilization training camps, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told TurkicWorld.

During the meeting, Colonel General Karim Valiyev spoke about the positive results of successful reforms carried out in the army under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.

"The First Deputy Defense Minister emphasized the importance of systematically continuing mobilization training and creating mobilization reserves, with a special focus on regular training camps to maintain a high level of combat readiness among reserve servicemen.

The Chief of the General Staff inquired about the provision and practical training of those liable for military duty. He relayed the Defense Minister's instructions to relevant officials regarding the need to enhance their professionalism and adapt to real combat conditions, ensuring effective use of newly adopted weapons and combat equipment through technological innovations.

Commanders of military units have been assigned specific tasks to further improve the quality of training and the professionalism of their personnel," the ministry said.

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