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Azerbaijani Defense Ministry

Azerbaijan's Museum of Military History hosts event dedicated to 2016 April clashes

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 6. The Museum of Military History of Azerbaijan hosted an event themed "April clashes - the beginning of the path to Victory", dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the April clashes in 2016, TurkicWorld reports via Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry.

The event was attended by representatives of various departments and enterprises of the Ministry, the executive authority of Baku’s Narimanov district and the public, participants of the April clashes and the Patriotic War of Azerbaijan (Second Karabakh War), as well as by other participants.

A minute of silence was held in memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev, and martyrs who fought and gave their lives for the freedom, independence, and territorial integrity of our Motherland. Then, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played.

During the event, speakers pointed out the significance of the April battles and added that these battles proved the Azerbaijani army’s capacity to prevent any large-scale provocations, and the enemy’s military operations.

Furthermore, in the artistic part of the event, a documentary film dedicated to the April battles was demonstrated. Along with this, musical items on the patriotic theme performed by soloists of the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov were presented as well.

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