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The interactive show of Shakrak, the cultural ambassador who gives the message of peace and harmony to the children of the world, will be held in Qatar

On September 7-8, the interactive show of the cultural ambassador "Shakrak", who conveys the message of peace and harmony to the children of the world, introduces the world's geography and educates while entertaining, will be held in Qatar. TurkicWorld reports to the reference of Turkish media that the Shakrak mascot, prepared and shown by the writer Ayşe Gül Kara Zorlu, the creator of the "Shakrak" character, will meet with children and that surprise gifts will be distributed. "When we look at the movies that children watch and the books they read, we see that they are all foreign. But why not a character from the Turkish world and why shouldn't this character be known in the world through a book? That's why we created the character "Shakrak". There are thousands of visually impaired children in the world. We are printing a book. With these books, we instill human qualities and national values ​​in children." Bishnev will be the organizer of the fair, Chetik Group will be its sponsor, Detourb-Digital Marketing Agency will be its consultant, KON GROUP will be the project partner, and Yunus Emre Institute and Education Consultancy will be the organization coordinator. .