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Uzbekistan COVID-19 vaccine

Large batch of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine delivers to Uzbekistan

A large batch of Pfizer / BioNTech coronavirus vaccine has been delivered to Uzbekistan, TurkicWorld reports citing data from the Ministry of Health.

A plane carrying over 1.2 million doses of vaccine has just landed at Tashkent International Airport.

Currently, the vaccines used in Uzbekistan are ZF-UZ-VAC2001 (Uzbekistan-China), AstraZeneca (England-Sweden), Sputnik-V (Russia) and Moderna (USA). The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (Germany) will be the fifth vaccine used in the country.

The total number of vaccines imported into the country has exceeded 24 million doses. At the same time, 16.8 million doses have been used so far; as a result, 9.9 million citizens received the first dose of the vaccine, 5.1 million - the second dose, 1.7 million - the third dose.

According to the Ministry of Health, 3.1 million people are fully vaccinated.

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