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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

Azerbaijan expands activity areas of Public Service Management Council

BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 23. The areas of activity of Azerbaijan's Public Service Management Council have been expanded, TurkicWorld reports.

In this regard, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev approved a change to the "Regulations on the Public Service Management Council of Azerbaijan".

Thus, the council will be able to make proposals to improve legislation in the field of public service as well as consider the issue of repealing unlawful acts of state bodies relating to public service.

In addition, control over the maintenance of the register of public servants is also among the items added to the areas of activity of the council.

Also, during the period of activity, the council, in addition to analyzing work in the field of professional training, experience, and additional education of public servants and preparing appropriate proposals, will be able to approve the training strategy developed for public servants.

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