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Kyrgyzstan CIS

Kyrgyzystan's Bishkek holds regular CIS security agency heads' meetings

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 25. The 54th session of the Council of Heads of Security Bodies and Special Services of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) member states was held in Bishkek, the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic, on May 24, TurkicWorld reports.

The event was attended by Colonel General Ali Nagiyev, Head of the State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The exchange of information in the field of combating international terrorism and religious extremism, identification and prevention of activities of persons participating in armed conflicts as part of criminal groups, and having undergone combat training outside the borders of the countries, were among the main issues on the agenda of the meeting.

Furthermore, it was emphasized at the event that, against the background of the accompanying tensions, and complex and contradictory processes in world geopolitics, the system of international security is facing new threats, the risk of terrorism has increased manifold, and cases of cybercrime have become more intense.

Besides the above-mentioned, the necessity of joining efforts and effective joint fighting through mobilization of available capabilities against negative manifestations of serious concern, such as intelligence-subversive activities of forces with certain interests in the CIS space, transnational organized crime, human trafficking, smuggling of narcotics and psychotropic substances, was also touched upon.

During the event, participants had in-depth conversations on crucial topics and signed numerous key documents about future collaboration.

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