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Russia Kyrgyzstan Bishkek

Russia to resume flights from Sochi to Kyrgyzstan's Bishkek

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, April 15. Russia will resume direct flights from Sochi to Kyrgyzstan's Bishkek, TurkicWorld reports.

Starting May 25, Russian airline "Ural Airlines" will operate flights on the Sochi-Bishkek-Sochi route, according to Kyrgyzstan's Manas International Airport.

The departure from Manas International Airport will be once a week, on Saturdays.

Ural Airlines is a Russian passenger airline that operates both regular and charter flights domestically and internationally. Its headquarters are in Yekaterinburg.

Kyrgyzstan, with a total of 11 airports, including five international and six regional ones, is served by Manas International Airport OJSC. The international airports include "Manas," "Osh," "Issyk-Kul," "Karakol," and "Batken," while the remaining airports cater to domestic flight routes such as "Jalal-Abad," "Isfana," "Karavan," "Kazarman," "Naryn," and "Talas."

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