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Kazakhstan Azerbaijani Ministry of Health

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan moot healthcare personnel training

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 11. The Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan has held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the country Alim Bayel,TurkicWorld reports.

According to the information, welcoming the guests, Health Minister Teymur Musayev emphasized that the historical and cultural commonality of Azerbaijani and Kazakh peoples is the basis of ties between the two countries.

The minister emphasized that traditionally friendly and brotherly relations between the two countries date back to the depths of centuries.

The role of mutual visits at the highest level in the sphere of expansion of ties between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan was noted.

"Friendly relations between the heads of state make an invaluable contribution to the development and strengthening of close cooperation between our countries in many directions," Musayev emphasized.

He underlined the existence of a wide potential for the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in the field of health care.

The minister stressed that there are all necessary conditions for the exchange of modern methodological and scientific-practical information in the field of continuous professional training of medical specialists.

Furthermore, interest was expressed in the application of Kazakhstan's experience in the field of accreditation and quality control of medical institutions in our country.

Finally, the Azerbaijani Minister of Health expressed confidence in further development of bilateral cooperation.

Alim Bayel, in turn, emphasized the high level of bilateral ties and noted that our countries have historical, traditionally friendly relations. He also expressed interest in establishing effective cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan.

The meeting highlighted the importance of the IV meeting of health ministers of the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States, which will be held in Shusha in October, in deepening relations between the Ministries of Health of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

The sides also exchanged views on training of qualified personnel in the field of health care and other issues of mutual interest," the statement of the Ministry says.

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