Kazakhstan China

Kazakhstan, China discuss implementation of projects to develop transport routes

ASTANA, Kazakhstan, July 2. The implementation of projects for the development of transport routes was discussed by the Ministers of Transport of Kazakhstan and China, Marat Karabaev and Li Xiaopeng, TurkicWorld reports.

The meeting took place in Astana as part of the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Kazakhstan.

The parties noted that these projects contribute to strengthening economic ties and improving trade and economic interaction between Kazakhstan and China.

During the negotiations, the parties expressed deep gratitude for the productive cooperation and high level of mutual understanding between the countries in the field of transport infrastructure.

Following the meeting, the heads of the transport departments of Kazakhstan and China expressed their readiness to further deepen cooperation in the field of transport logistics and interaction, which helps strengthen the strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and China.

Meanwhile, the volume of trade turnover between Kazakhstan and China amounted to $6.27 billion from January through March 2024. This volume increased by 6.3 percent compared to the same period in 2023 ($5.9 billion).

At the same time, exports to China for the above period amounted to $3.18 billion, while imports from China amounted to $3.09 billion.

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