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SOCAR Shusha

Azerbaijan launches sales of RON-95 gasoline in Shusha

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 28. Azerbaijani SOCAR PETROLEUM CJSC has commissioned a new modular filling station in Shusha, the press service of the CJSC told TurkicWorld.

According to the press service, starting from February of this year, RON-95 premium gasoline has been sold at the new gas station, and POS-terminals for non-cash payments have been set up.

Currently, 45 SOCAR filling stations and 11 oil terminal bases are operating in the country. -

Filling stations operating under the SOCAR brand have a number of advantages for customers, including the ability to check the accuracy of fuel volumes.

Considering the company's strategic development plan, it is expected that the number of filling stations will be increased in the future.

Previously, SOCAR PETROLEUM commissioned a gas filling station in Azerbaijan's Lachin.

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