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Azerbaijan's commercial gold reserves on Chovdar field up

The reserves of commercial gold on Azerbaijan’s Chovdar field at the oxide (ground) stage have grown, AzerGold CJSC’s board chairman Zakir Ibrahimov said, TurkicWorld reports.

Ibrahimov made the remark at a press conference on the results of 2021 and the upcoming tasks of the company.

According to him, as a result of additional studies, exploration and optimization of deposits, carried out by AzerGold CJSC in recent years, the commercial gold reserves rose from 179,000 to 212,000 ounces.

He also noted that the exploitation of the Chovdar field at the oxide stage was completed in April 2021.

"At the same time, in the reporting year, as a result of the exploitation of the oxidized ores of the Chovdar field at the sulfide stage, 28,000 ounces are mined,” the company’s head further said.

“Over the five years of operation, the company has totally produced 255,600 ounces of gold and 484,500 ounces of silver," added Ibrahimov.

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