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Vladanka Andreeva COP29

UN reinvents solid waste management - Azerbaijan's resident coordinator

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 27. By the time COP29 rolls around, we should have seen substantial choices and ideas about sustainable waste management that prove their financial feasibility, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Vladanka Andreeva said at the Green World Solidarity: Waste to Value for Sustainable Future International Forum in Baku, TurkicWorld reports.

As per her, the UN is cooking up a brand new idea for handling waste, and the suggestions laid out in it will be incorporated into the upcoming game plans of countries.

Andreeva highlighted Azerbaijan's collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on waste management initiatives.

"Everyone worldwide must fundamentally alter their approach to waste. Responsibility for planetary cleanliness lies not only with governments and public institutions but also with private organizations and households," emphasized Andreeva.

She believes that cutting down on waste can be achieved by making better use of resources and taking advantage of improved recycling technologies.

To note, the forum has started its work in Baku today and will last for two days.

The forum is organized with the support of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and Tamiz Shahar OJSC. It is attended by officials from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, UN representatives, and delegates from various international organizations, including several foreign countries.

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