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Azerbaijani Air Force Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft conduct flight drills

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 5. The Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft are conducting training flights in accordance with the training plan approved by Azerbaijan's Minister of Defense for 2023, TurkicWorld reports via the Ministry of Defense.

After military pilots have practiced their flight skills in the most advanced simulators and the crews have been briefed on the safety requirements, practical flights are done. with the training plan approved by Azerbaijan's Minister of Defense for 2023, Trend reports via the Ministry of Defense.

After military pilots have practiced their flight skills in the most advanced simulators and the crews have been briefed on the safety requirements, practical flights are done.

During the training flights, young military pilots also improve their flight skills on L-39 aircraft.

All assigned tasks are successfully accomplished during training flights conducted to improve the combat training of military pilots.

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