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Uzbekistan Switzerland

An agreement signed to strengthen the media power

Uza. An agreement was signed between Uzbekistan, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and UNESCO on implementing a three-year media program to empower the government and citizens of Uzbekistan by strengthening access to information, accountability of institutions, and media competence.

This program aims to transform Uzbekistan’s media landscape by enabling citizens’ access to information, reinforcing accountability and the rule of law, improving journalism education, and advancing media literacy.

The program further cooperates with judicial actors and law enforcement bodies. It focuses on strengthening the rule of law by developing teaching modules on the importance of freedom of expression, access to information, and the safety of journalists as fundamental principles. It develops guidelines and a code of conduct for improving relationships between law enforcement officers and media professionals. It adopts a communication plan to ensure accountability and transparency of police institutions through effective communication with the public.

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