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Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow

Economy to drive co-op between CA countries and Germany - Turkmenistan's president

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, September 17. The economic sphere will become the locomotive of ties between Central Asia and Germany, ensuring strong and sustainable positions of German business in the countries of the region, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov said at the Central Asia – Germany summit in Astana on 17 September, TurkicWorld reports via the official Turkmen media.

"The economic sphere is called upon to become the locomotive of our ties. To ensure strong and sustainable positions of German business in the countries of the region, on the one hand, and the other hand - the early and effective integration of Central Asia into the world economy, investment processes, including through ties with German companies. Such cooperation meets the interests of all its participants and has good prospects for development and expansion," the President of Turkmenistan said.

Among the key areas of partnership, he emphasized transportation and logistics, communications, energy, industrial production, chemistry, engineering, medicine and pharmaceuticals, the agro-industrial complex, as well as information technologies.

"Nowadays we need a transition to new methods of conducting joint business based on modern requirements and demands, where the role of the intellect, advanced management, and use of the human resource, which the Central Asian region with its young, educated, and socially young population is rich in, is objectively increasing," the head of state declared.

The President also noted the prospect of establishing joint production, service, and training centers, as well as training high-level specialists in Central Asia. He emphasized that the favorable geographical location of the region, its natural resources, and its demographic potential, together with the technological level of Germany and its experience in international business, open wide opportunities for cooperation with Germany.

To note, today Astana is hosting the second "Central Asia-Germany" summit in the "5+1" format, which is attended by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The summit continues the trend of development of strategic partnerships that began with the first meeting in Berlin in September 2023. Turkmenistan demonstrates its commitment to constructive international dialog, reaffirming its role in expanding multilateral cooperation. German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Central Asian heads of state are also participating in the summit.

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