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Turkmenistan USA

Turkmenistan and US view key areas of bilateral relations

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 16. Turkmenistan and the United States discussed key areas of bilateral relations in the political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, TurkicWorld reports.

According to an official source, these issues were discussed during a meeting of the delegation of Turkmenistan at the building of the US Department of State with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Central and South Asian Affairs, John Mark Pommersheim.

During the meeting, the parties paid special attention to the progressive dynamics of cooperation over the past year.

The sides praised the format of the Turkmen-American political consultations, which aimed to discuss issues of mutual interest and coordinate joint actions for the development of bilateral relations. They also discussed organizational issues for the upcoming political consultations, which are scheduled for 2024.

Meanwhile, the Turkmen delegation and the leadership of the Turkmen-US Business Council recently met and agreed that diversifying commercial partnerships should be one of the goals of bilateral cooperation.

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