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Kazakhstan ranked 63rd in the military power ranking list

Baku. TurkicWorld:

Kazakhstan ranked 63rd in the Global Firepower military power ranking list of 145 countries.

According to TurkicWorld, the ranking is based on 60 different factors, including the size of the army and military units, defense spending, the number of combat arsenals and other factors affecting the combat effectiveness of the army.

The three countries with the highest military power were the United States, Russia and China, while Bhutan ranked last.

According to the information, the Kazakh air force has 237 aircraft, including 75 attack helicopters, 39 attack aircraft, 81 fighters, 17 transport aircraft and 25 training aircraft.

The country's ground forces have 300 tanks, 5,200 armored combat vehicles, 246 self-propelled guns, 456 towed guns and 407 multiple rocket launchers.

The total number of military personnel is 77,000, of which 45,000 are active soldiers and 32,000 are paramilitary formations.

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