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Russia Maksim Shevchenko

Armenia’s withdrawal from any structure happens unnoticed - Russian analyst

MOSCOW, Russia, October 7. The removal of Armenia from any structure has largely gone unnoticed, the famous Russian political analyst, TV presenter, and public figure Maxim Shevchenko told TurkicWorld

"The strategic significance of this entire project, which I refer to as 'Armenianism' - a nationalist agenda that contradicts the interests of the Armenian people - has diminished after Azerbaijan restored justice and liberated its territory.

Back in 2020, I said that Azerbaijan helped Armenians break free from the terrifying, toxic phantom of nationalism imposed in the early 20th century, which has devastated their cultural identity. It's a difficult ailment to recover from.

However, it's essential to learn how to live in the place you are, rather than trying to take more or portray yourself as a victim to whom everyone owes something," he added.

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