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Jeyhun Bayramov Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan explore avenues for collaboration

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 17. A telephone conversation was held today between Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and Kazakh Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu, TurkicWorld reports, referring to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.

In the course of the telephone conversation, the sides discussed issues of bilateral and multilateral strategic cooperation between the two countries, as well as regional ties.

The sides also discussed prospects of cooperation within international organizations and multilateral platforms.

The discussions touched upon the priority areas of Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) for 2024-2026.

The sides expressed satisfaction with the relations between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan based on strategic partnership, friendship, and multifaceted cooperation.

Furthermore, the sides exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest during the telephone conversation.

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