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The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s CEC Deputy Chairman proposes to dissolve polling stations

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 16. The Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan, Rovzat Gasimov, has proposed to dissolve precinct election commissions at 36 polling stations following the recent extraordinary parliamentary election, TurkicWorld reports.

Gasimov made the proposal during today’s CEC meeting.

He highlighted that over 1,500 posts on social media had been reviewed, revealing concerns about the influence on voter intentions in Azerbaijan.

"We aim to demonstrate that no one is interfering with the will of the voters in Azerbaijan. Our investigations have led us to believe that certain measures are necessary. Doubts have arisen regarding the voting results at some polling points. There is a need to annul the election results in these areas. The results at these stations should be deemed invalid," Gasimov stated.

To note, on September 1, the snap parliamentary election was held in Azerbaijan.

A total of 112,749 local observers were registered to observe the election. More than 65,000 of them were representatives of political parties. The number of registered international observers was 598, representing 51 organizations and 69 countries.

Out of 990 registered candidates in the parliamentary election, 305 are representatives of 25 political parties. Even though 371 candidates were affiliated with political parties, their respective parties did not nominate them. There were 676 candidates who were affiliated with a political party.

Will be updated

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