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Germany Sevil Mikayilova COP29

Frank Schwabe's ongoing anti-Azerbaijani campaign faces backlash

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 27. Frank Schwabe, a German MP and head of the German delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), remains unrelenting. His latest outburst is fueled by the "surprising" news that the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has added him to the persona non grata list, effectively banning him from entering the country.

Schwabe has gained notoriety in Europe for his anti-Turkish and anti-Azerbaijani rhetoric. In his latest smear campaign against Azerbaijan, Schwabe seems oblivious to the fact that not only he but all delegates who voted against Azerbaijan in PACE have been placed on the list of undesirable persons. Schwabe is not unique; he is just one among many PACE members who, at the wave of a conductor's wand, have eagerly embraced the anti-Azerbaijani agenda.

As a representative of Germany, Schwabe should primarily focus on his country's interests. Yet, his provocations, persistent attacks on Azerbaijan, and defamatory statements suggest that Schwabe is more aligned with anti-Azerbaijani forces than with the well-being of Germany and Europe. It appears that even the interests of Germany take a backseat to the objectives of these anti-Azerbaijani groups.

Schwabe's current surge of activity seems to be an attempt to pressure Azerbaijan ahead of the upcoming COP29 event. This likely explains his sudden concern about Azerbaijan and his indignation at being banned from the country.

The German MP has been implicated in multiple corruption scandals and is known for his lack of moral integrity. He has no moral standing to offer advice to others. Acting as a puppet for anti-Azerbaijani forces, Schwabe has turned himself into a figure of ridicule.

If Schwabe is truly concerned about the South Caucasus, particularly Armenia, he would do better to address the issue of political prisoners languishing in Armenian jails. His unscrupulous activities aimed at harming Azerbaijan ultimately do more damage to Germany and Europe. Despite this, Schwabe audaciously assumes the authority to speak on behalf of PACE or even all of Europe. One must wonder where he derives this right and if there is any limit to his arrogance.

Sevil Mikayilova,

Member of Parliament of the Azerbaijan

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