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OSCE Western Azerbaijan Community

Azerbaijani official outlines Western Azerbaijanis' right of return at OSCE meeting

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 26. Chairperson of the Women's Council of the West Azerbaijan Community, MP Malahat Ibrahimghizi took part in the third supplementary meeting of the OSCE on human rights on the theme "Tolerance and Non-Discrimination, and Gender Equality," which was held in Vienna on June 24–25, TurkicWorld reports.

In addition, Malahat Ibrahimghizi delivered a speech during the occasion, representing the Western Azerbaijan Community. During her address, she provided a comprehensive analysis of the community, its objectives, and the forced removal of Azerbaijanis from Armenia. She emphasized that the actions taken by Armenia, including ethnic cleansing and the prevention of Western Azerbaijanis from reclaiming their residences, are both intolerant and discriminatory.

The Chairperson of the Women's Council emphasized that the Western Azerbaijan Community respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, and the main mission of the community is to promote fundamental human rights such as the right of return of Western Azerbaijanis.

To note, this event, organized by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, with the participation of officials from OSCE participating states and representatives of civil society, focuses on the promotion of human rights.

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