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Ebrahim Raisi Ali Asadov

Azerbaijani PM sends letter of condolences to Iran's first vice president

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 20. Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov has sent a letter of condolences to First Vice President of Iran Mohammad Mokhber over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other officials in a helicopter crash, the press service of the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers told TurkicWorld.

In the letter, Asadov expressed deep condolences to the First Vice President of Iran, families, and relatives of the victims, emphasizing that he shares the grief of the Iranian people.

To note, on May 19, a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Tabriz Province Imam Ayatollah Ali Hashim, and East Azerbaijan Province Governor-General Malek Rahmati crashed while flying from Khudafarin to Tabriz.

Following the crash, communication with the helicopter crew was established twice, but it was subsequently lost.

The Iranian President and the entire accompanying delegation were confirmed dead.

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