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Jeyhun Bayramov Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan CIS

Azerbaijani FM delivers speech at CIS Council meeting

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 12. Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, attended and delivered a speech at the meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers during his working visit to Belarus, TurkicWorld reports via the country's Foreign Ministry.

In his speech, he emphasized the role and significance of the CIS as a platform for constructive exchange of views and discussions on bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest.

Bayramov noted active cooperation with CIS member states in the fields of economy, investments, trade, transportation, and communications.

According to the minister, the positive dynamics in trade between Azerbaijan and CIS member states in 2023 are an indicator of the expansion of economic ties between the countries.

He stressed that Azerbaijan plays a role as a reliable partner in transit, transport, and logistics between CIS member states and international markets along East-West and North-South routes.

In order to further enhance these capabilities, Azerbaijan has been actively modernizing railways, expanding the capacity of the Alat International Sea Trade Port, and developing the Alat Free Economic Zone, Bayramov explained.

Moreover, the minister pointed out the undeniable role of cooperation and exchanges in the humanitarian sphere in strengthening mutual trust and understanding between CIS member states and fostering good neighborly relations.

He underscored that the CIS is a successful format for cooperation in education, science, culture, healthcare, tourism, sports, and youth affairs.

The minister also announced that the second-largest city in Azerbaijan, Ganja, will host the CIS Games in 2025 and detailed the active preparatory work being carried out for this purpose.

At the same time, Bayramov noted that the candidacy of Azerbaijan's Lachin city has been put forward to obtain the status of the cultural capital of the CIS in 2025.

He reminded that Azerbaijan supported the corresponding plan of events for next year in connection with the 80th anniversary of the victory over fascism during the Second World War and highlighted the country's significant contribution to its achievement.

The official also briefed on preparations for Azerbaijan's hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) this year, expressing confidence that hosting COP29 in Azerbaijan will also contribute to strengthening targeted efforts towards transitioning to green energy within the CIS and developing cooperation in this area.

Bayramov also reiterated the role of the CIS as a mechanism for cooperation among member states, expressing hope for the productivity of the meeting.

To note, on the day before, the minister left on a working visit to Belarus.

As part of the visit, he is attending and speaking at the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Minsk. In addition, the minister will participate in various bilateral meetings.

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