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France repeatedly toils to destabilize regional stability - Azerbaijani political analyst

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 24. France is consistently attempting to undermine stability in the region, political scientist Azer Garayev told Trend.

He emphasized that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's visit to France and meetings with French President Emmanuel Macron were memorable for several intriguing moments.

"The footage from the meeting shows the French president sheltering Pashinyan under his umbrella, representing France's attempt to position itself as Armenia's protective ally. In truth, France seeks to protect its regional interests through Armenia. The French president's speech is not only a sign of its commitment to Armenia but also of its desire to support it," said Garayev.

He claims that France's goal is not to foster stability in the South Caucasus or prevent future escalations and risks, but rather to increase its influence in the region, particularly through Armenia, in order to protect its interests.

"Following Macron's meeting with Pashinyan, French Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu paid a visit to Armenia as part of France's policy. French authorities have made additional pledges to Armenia, culminating in the signing of a package of documents on military cooperation. France has previously delivered night vision systems to Armenia and intends to send Bastion armored vehicles. It is clear that France is actively arming Armenia, with the full awareness that such activities contribute to regional instability. As a result, France's professed dedication to peace appears hollow because its underlying goal appears to be the destabilization of the situation in the region," the analyst added.

The political scientist noted that France's biased position caused an adequate reaction from the Azerbaijani government.

"To establish regular, acceptable relations with our country, Macron must reevaluate his policies and posture. Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan has always followed an independent policy, remaining unaligned with external pressures. Instead of portraying himself and Pashinyan as "peacemakers" and official Baku as a party that "rejects offers," Macron should take a more measured stance. Azerbaijan has proven to be a reliable international partner, and it's critical for everyone to know that pressing Azerbaijan, whether through Armenia or any other means, is an unworkable policy," Garayev said.

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