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Sahiba Gafarova Morocco Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan

Speaker of Azerbaijani parliament meets with Moroccan FM (PHOTO)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, December 16. Milli Majlis (Parliament) Speaker Sahiba Gafarova met with Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of Moroccans living abroad, and Minister of Migration Affairs Nasser Bourita on December 15 within the framework of her official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco, the Azerbaijani parliament informed TurkicWorld.

The Moroccan minister stated that Azerbaijan is a fraternal country to Morocco and emphasized the dynamic development of our countries' ties. He went on to say that both Morocco and Azerbaijan are prominent characters in their respective regions, and that Morocco regards Azerbaijan as an important partner in the region.

The summit emphasized that the two countries have traditionally provided mutual support to each other on matters of territorial integrity and sovereignty. The Minister praised Azerbaijan for preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Gafarova stated that the two countries have similar principles, stressing that Azerbaijan and Morocco are fraternal countries and highlighting the significance of forging a complete partnership.

Minister said that next year marks the 30th anniversary of great Azerbaijani leader Heydar Aliyev's visit to the Kingdom of Morocco and meeting with King Hassan II of Morocco. In connection with this significant historical event, he expressed the intention to further strengthen Azerbaijani-Moroccan relations. The Minister also noted Azerbaijan's successful chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Gafarova informed of Azerbaijan's global initiatives in its capacity as chair of the Non-Aligned Movement. She emphasized the active participation of the Moroccan Parliament in the work of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network established on the initiative of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Speaker said that economic relations are one of the main components of bilateral relations between the countries. In this sense, the importance of the activity of the Intergovernmental Commission was touched upon.

The parliament speaker emphasized the importance of expanding the legal-contractual base of bilateral relations. She shared her thoughts on the development of ties between our countries in several spheres.

The sides also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.

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