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Armenia Jeyhun Bayramov Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan

Third-party destructive pursuits do not spell peace in region - Azerbaijani FM

BAKU, Azerbaijan, December 2. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov made a speech at a special session of the II European Conference on Azerbaijani Studies held in Skopje, the capital of Northern Macedonia, TurkicWorld reports via the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.

During his speech, the Minister touched upon Azerbaijan's foreign policy priorities in the post-conflict period, the prospects of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and Azerbaijan's position on the situation in the region.

Jeyhun Bayramov detailed the factors characterizing the anti-terrorist activities carried out on September 19. The minister noted the obstacles created by Armenia to the peace process. The minister also put the audience in the pictures regarding reconstruction and construction work carried out by Azerbaijan in the region. At the same time, he emphasized the mine threat on the part of Armenia.

The minister also addressed the harmful acts of some third parties in the region. He highlighted that such acts are detrimental to the region's peace and stability.

Jeyhun Bayramov emphasized that the biased and provocative accusations leveled against Azerbaijan following anti-terrorist measures contradict the reports and statements of UN specialized agency representatives who visited the region and are active in Armenia, and that the claims leveled against Azerbaijan are unfounded. The Foreign Minister also mentioned Azerbaijan's recent internationally noteworthy actions and its active engagement in multilateral diplomacy. He discussed the growing importance of energy security in light of recent developments in the region and around the world, efforts in the field of energy security and alternative energy, and the importance of expanding multilateral cooperation toward transportation corridor diversification.

Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov then fielded a slew of questions from the audience.

More than 30 European analytical and research institutes, as well as renowned specialists, attended the conference, which was organized by the AIR Center for Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The European Conference on Azerbaijani Studies, which was first held in Warsaw last year, aims to promote research in various fields related to Azerbaijan, including political, economic, and cultural topics, as well as contribute to accurate communication of information about Azerbaijan to the international community and objective analysis at the academic level.

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