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Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense

Russian Caspian Flotilla warships leave Azerbaijan's Baku port

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 12. Both warships of the Russian Navy’s Caspian Flotilla left Baku port on October 12, TurkicWorld reports via Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense.

"The warships were on an unofficial friendly visit to Azerbaijan," the ministry said.

Two warships of the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy arrived in Baku on an unofficial friendly visit on October 10.

During the visit, the Russian delegation was received by the Head of the State Border Service, Colonel-General Elchin Guliyev.

The successful development of cooperation between the border structures of Azerbaijan and Russia in relevant areas, including border security in the Caspian Sea, protection of biological resources, combating illegal activities, and exchanging views on the prospects for cooperation were discussed during the meeting.

During the visit, ships' crews took a tour to Baku for getting acquainted with cultural and historical monuments, and a friendly meeting of military sailors on tug-of-war and a soccer game was held.

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