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Azerbaijani team to present firefighting UAV in finals of TEKNOFEST (VIDEO)

Azerbaijan’s BsuFlight Team T-11 will present a project of single-engine firefighter UAV in the finals of the TEKNOFESTInternational Aviation, Space and Technology Festival in Baku, the team member Firangiz Gurbanova told TurkicWorld.

According to Gurbanova, the UAV will have the function of autonomous flight.

"The UAV will have a 360-degree camera installed on the front, as well as gas sensors and smoke detectors, allowing it to detect nearby fires," she said.

"Our device, in manual or autonomous mode, will be able to easily detect an ignition or a fire in hard-to-reach areas where fire equipment cannot access, transmit the appropriate coordinates, and extinguish it. For this, the device will be equipped with special fire extinguishing balls," Gurbanova said.

She noted that the balls operate under self-activation, under the influence of heating from a flame up to 80 degrees. When this temperature is reached, the coating of the ball is destroyed, thus allowing for the release of a fire-extinguishing powder.

The captain of the BsuFlight Team T-11 Rashad Gojalar added that his team is ready to provide all necessary assistance and support in this area to the Azerbaijani emergency services.

The upcoming TEKNOFEST festival will be held in Azerbaijan on May 26-29, 2022. TEKNOFEST in Baku is held by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan. At the same time, theTEKNOFEST production office operates in Baku. The full staff of the office consists of Azerbaijani specialists.

The event has been held annually since 2018, with the joint organization of the Turkish Technology Team Foundation, which is managed by the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology and the technical director of Baykar Makina, in partnership with more than 60 Turkish state institutions, universities and private companies.

The goal is to popularize such areas as aviation, space industry and digital economy, to encourage entrepreneurship in these areas, to identify the knowledge and skills of young engineers through competitions organized within the framework of the festival, as well as to present national technologies to the general public.

Trend News Agency, Day.Az, Milli.Az, Azernews, Eastweststream,Today.Az and Turkic.World are official media partners of TEKNOFEST.

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