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Sabina Aliyeva

Azerbaijan's Ombudsperson addresses global conference on human rights

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 13. Azerbaijan’s Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) Sabina Aliyeva participated in an International Conference of Ombudsman held in Italy's Lazio province, the statement of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman's Office said, TurkicWorld reports.

The event, titled "The Role of the Ombudsman as a Guarantor of Rights," brought together ombudsmen and representatives of national human rights institutions from more than 50 countries.

During the session on "Human Rights During Global Crises: The Role of the Ombudsman," Aliyeva discussed the pressing global issues affecting both human rights and the environment.

She emphasized that protecting human rights in the context of climate change is a top priority for ombudsmen and national human rights institutions. Aliyeva also noted that the Azerbaijani Ombudsman’s office has organized numerous initiatives addressing these challenges.

She highlighted the environmental damage and ecological destruction caused by nearly three decades of Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani lands. Aliyeva detailed the adverse effects of landmines, which not only endanger lives and health but also obstruct the safe return of displaced persons and hinder reconstruction efforts. The mines have also contributed to significant ecological imbalances in the affected regions.

The Ombudsperson also outlined Azerbaijan’s efforts to improve environmental conditions through state programs, strategies, and national action plans.

She pointed out that 2024 has been declared the "Green World Solidarity Year" by Azerbaijan’s government.

Furthermore, Aliyeva noted that Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29) later this year, with preparations underway for the high-level event.

The conference aimed to promote respect for human rights globally, free from discrimination.

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