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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

No one has won a victory as unambiguous and complete as Azerbaijan did after the Second World War - President Ilham Aliyev

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 18. Wars and bloody confrontations are becoming quite widespread in the world these days. Now, in the era of the Internet, in the era of freedom of information, everyone knows, can see, and follow everything, President Ilham Aliyev said during an inauguration ceremony of a newly built residential complex in Sugovushan Village, Aghdara district, TurkicWorld reports.

The head of state stated: “We can see that not all countries are able to secure their interests, their just interests. Some are fighting for their territorial integrity but cannot achieve any results, or achieve some small-scale military success but cannot achieve a complete victory. In other words, if we simply look at the clashes, conflicts, and wars taking place in the world today, if we look at the wars of recent history, I can say that no one has won a victory as unambiguous and complete as Azerbaijan did after the Second World War.”

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