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Azerbaijan Algeria

Azerbaijan and Algeria talk on co-op in energy sector

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 3. Azerbaijani Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov has met with Algerian Minister of Energy and Mining Mohamed Arkab as part of participation in the 7th summit of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Algiers, TurkicWorld reports.

During the meeting, the sides expressed satisfaction with the constructive development of cooperation within the GECF, OPEC+, and bilateral format.

The current state of energy cooperation between Azerbaijan and Algeria was reviewed. An agreement was reached to speed up the process of establishing a joint working group in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on oil and gas cooperation signed between Azerbaijan and Algeria in 2022.

The sides also discussed issues related to the expansion of cooperation between SOCAR and Sonatrach, state-owned oil companies of the countries, and the establishment of an intergovernmental commission.

The Azerbaijani energy minister invited his Algerian counterpart to visit Azerbaijan.

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