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Azerbaijan Central Bank of Azerbaijan Poland

Poland substantially boosts direct investments in Azerbaijan's economy

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 25. The volume of foreign direct investment of Poland in the Azerbaijani economy amounted to $4.3 million in 2024.

The data obtained by TurkicWorld from the country's Central Bank shows that last year investments in the Azerbaijani economy from the mentioned country increased by $3.6 million or 6.2 times compared to the indicator of 2023.

The share of investments from Poland in the total volume of foreign direct investment in Azerbaijan for the reporting year amounted to 0.1 percent.

Meanwhile, in 2023, the volume of foreign direct investment from Poland in the Azerbaijani economy totaled $703,000.

Foreign direct investments in the Azerbaijani economy exceeded $7 billion in 2024. This is by $388.1 million or 5.83 percent more than in 2023.

However, the volume of foreign direct investment directed from Azerbaijan to the foreign economy in the reporting year amounted to $1.8 billion, which is $1.4 billion or 43.3 percent less than in 2023.

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