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Climate Technology Center in Turkmenistan to rush regional environmental deeds - official

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan, September 13. The establishment of the Regional Climate Technology Center in Ashgabat will promote climate solutions and technological development in Central Asia, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Myakhri Byashimova said at a briefing on environmental protection and opportunities for renewable energy development in Turkmenistan, TurkicWorld reports.

The prospects of cooperation in the fields of ecology, climate change, and rational use of natural resources were discussed during the event. Special attention was paid to energy efficiency and the development of alternative "green" energy in Turkmenistan.

UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko noted that this step is an important stage in the consolidation of efforts to achieve common goals in the field of environmental protection.

To note, during the Turkmenistan Investment Forum (TIF 2024) in Ashgabat, held on September 10-11, 2024, Dmitry Shlapachenko announced that Turkmenistan will finance the initial stage of establishing a regional climate technology center, and the first results will be announced before COP29 in Baku in November.

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