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Azerbaijani MFA responds to provocative remarks by Frank Schwabe

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 25. The remarks directed at Azerbaijan's political leadership, a country known for its political stability, economic development, and progress, are viewed primarily as a biased stance against its achievements, said Aykhan Hajizada, TurkicWorld reports.

Spokesman for Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to a question about the comments made by German parliamentarian Frank Schwabe concerning Azerbaijan.

“First and foremost, I would like to point out that the views regarding Azerbaijan and the country’s leadership expressed by Frank Schwabe, whose name was mentioned in a number of corruption cases and is connected with murky business links, demonstrate how biased, deceptive, and hypocritical this politician is. Opinions expressed against the political leadership of Azerbaijan, ranked among the top countries in terms of political stability, economic development, and progress, are largely viewed as a bias against the country’s achievements. At the same time, it is a fact that the efforts we have taken to liberate our lands, which have been under the occupation for almost 30 years, and the independent policies we have implemented do not align with the nefarious intentions of individuals like Schwabe, and that distress them.

Frank Schwabe is well aware that the only reason PACE observers were not invited to observe the Milli Majlis elections is that the Azerbaijani delegation’s mandate has not yet been restored, despite promises made to our country on the political level, including by the German officials.

It would be fitting for Schwabe, who expressed worry over Azerbaijan-Russia relations, to talk about the persons who collaborate with Russia in Germany and PACE, including close cooperation with Russia’s “Gazprom” corporation nowadays.

Moreover, conditioning of Azerbaijan’s presidency of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) on political motives irrelevant to this process, expressing views opposed to the essence of the fight against climate change, including our country’s commitment, once again demonstrated Schwabe’s predisposition against Azerbaijan.

Regarding Schwabe’s desire to visit Azerbaijan within the framework of COP29, it is important to note that the individuals who voted against the Azerbaijani delegation at PACE have been placed on the list of “personae non gratae.” If the aforementioned individuals are to visit Azerbaijan before our delegation’s mandate in PACE is restored, they will be denied entry into the country.

Azerbaijan is committed to its international obligations, and understands them well. Nonetheless, we reiterate once again that application of those obligations only on the basis of one-sided and double standards, and while misusing them taking prejudiced approaches towards our country will be prevented,” the statement reads.

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