Memory of January 20 tragedy victims honored in Azerbaijan's Shusha

Memory of January 20 tragedy victims honored in Azerbaijan's Shusha

The memory of the January 20, 1990 tragedy victims was honored in Azerbaijan’s Shusha city [liberated from Armenian occupation in the 2020 second Karabakh war], TurkicWorld reports via the Shusha State Reserve Administration.

The commemoration ceremonies were held in the central squares of the city.

On January 20, 1990, a bloody massacre was committed against civilians who had taken to the streets and squares in protest at Armenia's territorial claims against Azerbaijan and the biased policy of the former USSR leadership.

On the night of January 19-20, 1990, 147 people were killed, 744 were injured and 841 were illegally arrested after Soviet troops entered Baku. The Soviet troops also destroyed 200 apartments and houses, as well as private and public property.

January 20 is immortalized in the memory of the Azerbaijani nation as a Day of the Nationwide Sorrow.